Pregnant and forced to kneel on a flight – The shocking reason why / LOLitopia


Kayla was grieving the recent loss of her grandmother and was ready to head home after the funeral, unaware of the nightmare that awaited her on the flight.

Kayla was mistaken for someone else and had to rely on her wits to cope with the difficulties she was in.

Exhausted from days of grief, I longed to collapse into my own bed. Six months pregnant and emotionally drained from my grandmother’s funeral, I needed rest.

The funeral was hard, a poignant farewell to a woman who had been my rock my entire life.

«Are you sure you want to go today?» my mother asked as I packed my suitcase. «You can wait a few days if you just have to sit with this loss.»

I smiled sadly at her. «I know, but I have to get back to work and back to Colin. You know my husband is barely coping without me.»

«It’s probably good for you to get back to your comfort zone,» she said. «But your dad and I are going to stay until the end of the week to get Grandma’s house in order and take care of everything that needs to be done. I know Dad can’t wait to get home.»

«I just wish Grandma could have been there to see the baby,» I said, rubbing my belly. «That’s what I wanted all along.»

«I know, honey,» my mom said. «I wish you and Grandma could have had this moment, but at least you were here when she needed you most.»

Navigating the long lines at the airport, I hated flying, but it was easier than driving home. I couldn’t handle a twelve-hour car ride with my bladder constantly fighting against me.

Finally, I boarded the plane, ready to return to my husband. «I’ll take this, ma’am,» a flight attendant said, reaching for my bag.

«Thank you,» I replied, settling into my seat. My body longed for rest.

«Oh, I hate flying,» the woman next to me said. «It’s the worst. But I hate driving too. I should have just stayed home.»

I almost laughed because I completely agreed. Turbulence made me feel uneasy and anxious, like I was losing control with every jolt.

As I sat back ready for takeoff, I couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was staring at me. Turning around, I noticed a man a few rows back watching me intently. His look was unsettling, but I dismissed him as someone who would judge a pregnant woman for traveling.

The hum of the engines became a soothing background noise as the plane began its climb.

«Finally,» the woman next to me said. «Let’s just go home.» Little did I know a nightmare was about to unfold.

Ten minutes into the flight, a flight attendant approached me with a stern look on her face. «Excuse me, ma’am. Could you please come with me?» she asked, her perfume overpowering.

I reluctantly unbuckled my seatbelt and followed her to the area near the bathroom. Immediately, her demeanor changed.

«You must get on your knees immediately!» she ordered, nodding to someone I couldn’t see.

«What is it? Why? What’s happening?» I exclaimed, completely shocked. «Now,» she said simply.

Shocked and confused, I obeyed. As I knelt, I couldn’t understand what was going on. I had done nothing wrong.

The man who had been staring at me earlier approached. «Where is the gold necklace you stole?» he demanded, his voice menacing.

«What are you talking about? I didn’t steal anything! I just came back from my grandmother’s funeral!» I protested.

He made a cackling noise and produced a series of photos and documents. «This is you in the museum two days before the exhibit moved to the hotel. This is you in the hotel lobby where the necklace went missing. We tracked you to that plane after you ran away from the hotel.»

I looked at the pictures. They were blurry but bore a striking resemblance to me, although there were clear differences.

«Look,» I said, pointing to my wrist. «The woman in these photos has a tattoo or scar on her wrist. Look! I don’t have anything like that!»

The man examined my wrists, his icy hands pulling roughly. «See? No tattoos. No scars. Nothing. You have the wrong person!» I insisted. «And I’m pregnant! The woman in the photos isn’t!»

I felt a sudden wave of fear for my baby. In the heat of the moment, my baby lay still. «But that could be a cover,» he replied, not entirely convinced.

I wondered if the police wereairport and if I could escape this situation. I just wanted to get home to Colin.

As if the thought of my husband had called the baby to wake up, a sudden kick to my stomach made me act impulsively. Without thinking, I took the man’s hand and placed it on my stomach.

«No, you can’t fake it,» I said.

He sighed, looking visibly relieved but also very embarrassed. «I’m so sorry. You look a lot like her. I was convinced we were on the right track. I have to wait until we land to deal with this.»

«Look, I get it,» I said. «But I’m not her. I’m just trying to get home,» I said, feeling calmer as I tried to get up.

Then the nightmare took a darker turn. The flight attendant pulled out a gun. «Enough! Both of you, hands behind your backs!”

She reached into her bag and pulled out zip ties, tying the man’s hands back to me first.

“You’re not as stupid as you look,” she told him. “You were right to follow me to the plane. But you had the wrong person in mind.”

Another wave of fear for my baby made me act. With her back to me, I saw an opportunity and kicked her as hard as I could. She stumbled and fell, dropping the gun. Distracted, she hadn’t finished tying the man’s hands, so he attacked her.

As he did, we caught a glimpse of the gold necklace hanging around her neck.

“She’s the real thief,” he said, securing her. “She was posing as other people to avoid capture. I have no idea how she managed to board that flight as an escort.”

“You are so brave to do what you did. Thank you for stopping her before she tied me up,” he said.

“I was just scared for my baby,” I said with a sigh. “I acted on instinct.”

The rest of the flight was a blur of apologies from the man and explanations to the crew and authorities.

“I’m Detective Connor,” he said, shaking my hand afterward. The woman was arrested upon landing, with about fifteen police officers waiting at the gate.

“I’m really sorry for what you went through,” Connor said. “Just explain what happened,” I replied, needing closure before making my way to my husband.

“We’ve been following this woman for months. She’s been stealing valuable items and using disguises to evade capture. I got a tip that she was going to be on this flight. When I saw you and your hair, I just thought…” he trailed off, clearly remorseful.

«You thought I was her,» I finished for him. «Well, I’m not. And now you know.» «Yes, and I’m so sorry for the mistake, Kayla. I hope you can forgive me.»

Despite the ordeal, I felt a strange sense of relief.

When I walked through the doors and saw my husband standing there with yellow tulips and a big smile, I immediately felt at peace. «Welcome home,» he said, hugging me. «I’m so glad you’re back.»

We drove home in silence, enjoying each other’s company. When we got home, I sat down with Colin and told him everything that had happened on the flight.

«Are you OK?» he asked, his eyes wide. «Are you shaken? Should we take you to a doctor to make sure everything is OK?»

«No,» I replied. «I’m absolutely fine. I just wanted to come home to you.»

My husband put his hands on my stomach and smiled at me. «I’m glad you’re home,» he said again and kissed my stomach.

What would you have done?

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